Saturday, January 18, 2014


We are so excited to be headed to Haiti in the summer of 2015! Visit here often to keep up to date on ways to support our youth. The easiest way to support us is to pray for us. Pray for wisdom in planning and preparation. Pray for the leaders. Pray for the students. Pray for safety. Pray for life-change. There's just a few to get you started. As far as financial support goes, the simplest way to help us is to make all of your Amazon purchases from this page. If you click on the Amazon search bar to the left and make a purchase from that link, we get a percentage of whatever is purchased, and there is no extra cost to do this. Also, please support our fund-raising events. We will post those opportunities here and at church.

Here are a couple of places to go to read a little bit about Haiti:

CNN Haiti "Fast Facts"

88 Little Known Facts About Haiti

Thanks for your interest in our trip!  If you have any ideas or ways you'd like to help, leave a comment below or email me at

In Christ,
